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Weaving together personal stories of racial incidents and incorporating striking visual images, this multi-media presentation invites the audience to examine their attitudes about race, and kicks off a series of discussions around racism..

Utilizing actors, recollections of actual incidents, and projected images from various media, the production is designed around a community’s specific concerns and integrates entertainment, reality, humor, and frankness. It uses the premise ‘Story is Medicine’ as an approach for audience members to connect with each other, express their truth, and learn how to deal with racial attitudes and issues.
“The presentation was absolutely amazing. The actors were so real and right on with dialogue. The way the whole afternoon was organized and run was fantastic. Our participation was so great and meaningful. Thank you so very much.”

“It was powerful, disturbing, moving, and inspiring!”

“A powerful experience on so many levels. I also appreciated the structure of starting with facilitating synchrony through drumming and ending with grounding in the body through breathing, movement and sound meditation. Thank you to all involved in creating this event. I highly recommend it to all in our community if you have the chance to attend.”

Our VR Experience at USC

A New Way to Explore Race

Breaking Barriers